Die Biographie von Wolfgang Schäuble
Moderator: Barbarossa
Wolfgang Schäuble war ein Vollblutpolitiker, der dieses Land geprägt hat. Jedem Politikinteressierten kann die Lektüre seiner Biographie nur empfohlen werden: https://geschichte-wissen.de/blog/biogr ... schaeuble/
Herzlich Willkommen auf Geschichte-Wissen - Registrieren - Hilfe & Anleitungen - Mitgliedervorstellung
He has called on the best that was in us. There was no such thing as half-trying. Whether it was running a race or catching a football, competing in school—we were to try. And we were to try harder than anyone else. We might not be the best, and none of us were, but we were to make the effort to be the best. "After you have done the best you can", he used to say, "the hell with it". Robert F. Kennedy - Tribute to his father
He has called on the best that was in us. There was no such thing as half-trying. Whether it was running a race or catching a football, competing in school—we were to try. And we were to try harder than anyone else. We might not be the best, and none of us were, but we were to make the effort to be the best. "After you have done the best you can", he used to say, "the hell with it". Robert F. Kennedy - Tribute to his father
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